Johannesburg, South Africa

A failed all-on-four reconstruction

Have you had extensive dentistry with your teeth replaced with an implant supported All-on- 4 or similar reconstruction?
But are you comfortable?
Does your tongue continue to roll over the teeth in an unpleasant way?
Does food impact under reconstruction?
Do you have great difficulty with your oral hygiene?
Do your lips not have adequate support to give you a pleasing smile?
Do you suffer from headaches?
Has the reconstruction needed to be repaired from time to time?
Is there bone loss around the implants?
Have you been told that the reconstruction that you are wearing may need to be upgraded to all porcelain?

These are common problems associated with an implant -borne fixed complete reconstruction.

The long-term outlook is problematic.

There is a better solution that we can offer you.

We recommend a removable implant construction which we call an Evatonia named after our first patient who has had this treatment and is absolutely delighted.
The Evatonia has many real advantages.
It is very comfortable.
Easy to clean.
Provides proper lip support.
It corrects the angle of improperly placed implants.
There is no feeling of tightness on the implants.

Yes, something can be done to make a major improvement in your comfort and oral health. It will change your life.
Please give us a call to find out more.

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